Blue Lotus is a natural psychoactive plant steeped in ancient Egyptian mysticism and medicine. People who ingest the plant today often confirm its mind-altering and therapeutic effects. Blue lotus’ primary active compounds, apomorphine and nuciferine, dictate how long the substance lingers in the body. Metabolism, dosage, and frequency of use also affect this timeline. Some estimates say it can stay in your system for about 48 hours, after which it will be gone mostly.
As usage increases, many people want to know How long blue lotus stay in your system. Does blue lotus show up in urine? And Can blue lotus show up on a drug test?
This article examines blue lotus and its active ingredients, examining how long this psychoactive plant remains in the body after use.
What is Blue Lotus?
Blue lotus, also known as Egyptian lotus, blue water lily, and sacred blue lily, is an aquatic plant with a fragrant flower native to the Nile River region in North Africa. Today, it grows primarily in Africa and Asia.
The blue lotus flower has a long history that dates back to ancient Egypt. The plant’s psychoactive properties gave it great cultural and spiritual significance, with images of the flower appearing in artwork, ancient papyri, and tomb walls. Historians believe Egyptians harnessed blue lotus’ hallucinogenic effects in religious ceremonies and used it as a traditional medicine to treat conditions and disorders like anxiety, insomnia, detoxification, and as an aphrodisiac.
Today, anecdotal evidence indicates blue lotus has calming effects that help with sleep, anxiety, and relaxation. At higher doses, blue lotus can also be euphoric and hallucinogenic to some extent. Its psychoactive alkaloids, apomorphine, and nuciferine, stimulate dopamine receptors, influencing mood and promoting happiness and tranquility.
Blue lotus is available in various formats, including tea, dried smokable leaves, and extracts.
Products include:
- Blue lotus flower extracts
- Resins
- Dried leave packages
- Oils and powders
- Vape cartridges (e-liquids)
Does Blue Lotus Show Up In Urine?
Blue lotus can appear in urine if the test looks explicitly for the plant’s active ingredients–apomorphine and nuciferine. Apomorphine and nuciferine are natural substances called alkaloids that interact with serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain. Both are unscheduled and unregulated substances, making them primarily legal.
- Apomorphine is a psychoactive compound that acts as a dopamine agonist (activator). Dopamine is the body’s natural “feel good” chemical, so consuming apomorphine can make people feel happy. Apomorphine is legal by prescription, such as for helping people with muscle control and easing sleep problems in conditions like Parkinson’s disease.
- Nuciferine is an aporphine alkaloid thought to act as an antipsychotic drug due to its calming effects. Research shows it has therapeutic potential, such as reducing cholesterol and regulating blood lipid levels. It might prevent health conditions like Type II diabetes and cardiovascular issues and help with weight loss.
The body eventually expels apomorphine and nuciferine through urine. However, due to the body’s processing methods, these substances likely wouldn’t appear in high quantities.
- According to its chemical makeup, apomorphine has a high clearance rate (the rate at which the body removes a drug from plasma).
- The apomorphine half-life (the time required for a quantity of a substance to reduce to half of its initial value) is 30 to 60 minutes.
- A study on nuciferine showed a high oral bioavailability (the measure of how easily the body absorbs a substance) of about 58%, and its half-life is around 2 hours.
The blue lotus half-life is approximately three to four hours, meaning the body will eliminate half of its alkaloids in that time. So, half will be gone by noon if someone consumes blue lotus at 8 a.m.. The remaining half would leave the body by 4 p.m. This process would continue until the body eliminated all remnants.
Some estimates say this process could take about 48 hours. This time frame comes from the fact that blue lotus alkaloids are similar to those found in other psychoactive substances, such as LSD and MDMA.
Factors Affecting Blue Lotus Longevity
Blue lotus longevity, or how long it can stay in the body, varies based on the person and the product they consume.
A person’s genetic makeup dramatically affects how quickly their body eliminates compounds and drugs. Some individuals may have genetic variations that affect their metabolism, which can slow down or speed up the elimination of certain substances, such as blue lotus.
Liver and Kidney Function
The liver and kidneys are crucial for processing the active compounds in blue lotus and getting them out of the system. The liver breaks down substances into different compounds, which the kidneys can then discrete. However, impaired kidney or liver function will make the body take longer to flush substances out.
Blue Lotus Strains
Blue lotus products are available in several strains, each with a unique concentration of active compounds. The elimination time will vary depending on the potency and composition of the specific strain.
Dosage and Frequency of Use
Generally, substances consumed frequently and in higher amounts take longer for the body to expel. Scientific research does not provide specific numbers for blue lotus use frequency.
Other Factors
Many other factors can influence how long blue lotus stays in the system, such as:
- Metabolism
- Overall health
- Weight
- Other drugs or substances a person takes
How To Get Blue Lotus Out of Your System?
Those who want to get blue lotus out of their system faster can try these techniques and tips.
Hydration is vital for flushing substances like blue lotus from the body. Blue lotus fans should drink plenty of water and other hydrating fluids to speed up the elimination process.
Physical activity increases blood flow and metabolism, which can assist in breaking down and flushing out substances.
High-Fiber Foods
Fiber foods such as berries, leafy greens, and nuts promote bowel movements and help eliminate alkaloid-containing waste.
Can Blue Lotus Show Up on a Drug Test?
Traditional urine and blood tests do not screen for blue lotus because it is not a DEA-scheduled drug, nor is it known for widespread dangerous effects.
Most drug tests screen for:
- Alcohol
- Amphetamines
- Benzodiazepines
- Opiates/opioids
- Cocaine
- Marijuana (THC)
Some people wonder whether blue lotus flower might show up on a drug test as opiates, thinking apomorphine could be tested for as a morphine metabolite. However, this is unlikely because the two substances aren’t as closely related as the name might suggest.
Blue lotus and its active ingredients won’t appear on standard drug tests. However, some reports note that blue lotus products often contain other ingredients. For instance, products like vape cartridges, disposables, gummies, or tinctures might be laced with synthetic cannabinoids or contaminated with other drugs, which would show up on a drug test.
Common Questions about Blue Lotus
Is Blue Lotus a Drug?
Blue lotus flower is a plant with stimulant properties that can change a person’s mental or physical state, qualifying it as a drug.
Is Blue Lotus Legal?
The DEA does not list blue lotus as a controlled substance, making it federally legal to sell, purchase, and distribute in the United States. The only exception is Louisiana, which bans all psychoactive plant substances, including blue lotus.
Also, the military issued bans on blue lotus, which apply wherever army and defense personnel work throughout the country.
Is Blue Lotus Safe To Consume?
Scientific literature has not linked blue lotus to any overdoses or severe intoxication events. Most people believe consuming blue lotus flower in small to moderate doses is generally safe. However, blue lotus flower safety and dosage are not well-researched, and it might have unknown interactions with other drugs.
Ingesting or inhaling higher doses of blue lotus can cause euphoria and hallucinations, along with other side effects, such as:
- Altered mental state
- Anxiety
- Chest pain
- Fast heart rate
- Decreased alertness
- Disorientation
What Happens When You Drink Blue Lotus?
Historically, blue lotus tea was the most common form of consumption, considered medicinal and recreational. Drinking blue lotus flowers could make people feel “high” while also producing a calming effect. People frequently compare the blue lotus experience to consuming cannabis.
Final Thoughts
Most people have only begun to discover blue lotus and its psychoactive properties despite its extensive history spanning thousands of years. How long does blue lotus stay in your system is a common question many people have. The research on blue lotus is limited, but the plant is unlikely to remain in the system for more than a few days. Additionally, traditional drug tests don’t test for blue lotus active ingredients. The military may be the exception to this rule. However, consumers should always proceed with caution with any psychoactive substance if they have concerns about passing a drug test.
Elena Schmidt
Elena Schmidt is a writer, entrepreneur, and yoga teacher in Austin, Texas. She holds a journalism degree from the University of Miami and spent nearly a decade in editorial and content management for the health and beauty sectors. Today, Elena runs a boutique content marketing agency targeted towards brands that matter. Elena has found her passion supporting industries like plant medicine, cannabis, psychedelics, and wellness. She has written countless articles on these subjects and is passionate about spreading the word to those who need it most.